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Rinse your calls in cool water. To disinfect your calls use 10% Mouth wash and 90% water solution. After cleaning and disinfecting your mouth calls let them air dry for an hour then store in the Refrigerator.
Wipe the surface clean with a damp clean cloth of any residue after the season and store them in a low humidity area in your household.
1) Hold call with the open end of the horseshoe facing forward and The Grind logo facing up, place the call on your tongue. Force call up in to the roof of your mouth.
2) Use the sides of your tongue to hold the diaphragm in place against the roof of your mouth. When you exhale, air passes over your tongue and under the latex strips.
3) Getting your first sound is everything! With tongue pressure forcing the call up to the roof of your mouth, take a deep breath and exhale, making a whistle sound. Practice until you get a clear steady note/tone.
4) YELP – Take a deep breath and blow out getting a steady note. Drop your bottom jaw. You should hear a two note sound (kee-yuck). Dropping your jaw gives you the second note yuck.
5) PURR – Short, rapid bursts of air from your lungs will produce this undulating high-pitched call. To make this call, form your lips as if making the “UR” sound.-purr – ththth… Many people purr with their lips like blowing a raspberry. Others make a gargling sound in their throat. Purr by fluttering your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
6) CUT – Keep your lips together when starting this call as if pronouncing the letter “P”, then form your lips to pronounce the silent letter “U” as if saying “cut cut cut”. Trap the air between calls with your lips. – Cut – chuck (sharp and irregular 3-6 notes)
7) KEE-KEE – Form your lips as if pronouncing the “EE” sound.
8) CLUCK – Start with lips closed and force air to the front of your lips. Pop lips open saying the word puck.
There are multiple ways to set up The Grind decoys that can bring turkeys close to shooting range! Breeding, feeding, fighting or even a hen group leaving a food plot. #NeverStopTiltheBirdDrops
Holding the box
· Most hunters are right-handed, so hold box in left hand and the lid in right hand with lid handle towards your body. The box should be sideways, so you can see the lid bottom and rounded curve of the box. If left-handed, just reverse these directions
The yelp of a hen
· Hold bottom of box with preferred hand, making sure not to touch the sides of the box as this will distort your calls
· Making a hen yelp is as easy as opening and closing the box with the lid. Move the lid forward first across the arch of the box with light pressure and without picking up the lid return towards you. Just speed up sequence for faster yelps and more lid to box pressure for louder calls
The cluck of a hen
· Hold the bottom of the box with preferred hand and put a little more downward pressure with the lid on the box arch. You can see where the two contact together. With the lid, downward pressure twist the lid inward and forward with a quick pop-like motion. For the excited cutting call of a hen, just repeat same procedure in a faster sequence
· To get constant call sounds and tones, The Grinder box call lid must be chalked from time to time. The box comes pre-chalked and ready to hunt. The best chalk to use is a carpenter’s chalk that comes in a stick. Do not use standard chalkboard chalk as it will become sticky or gummy
The PUSHER Easy Button is one of the easiest and best-sounding friction calls. Kids or novice can have the rhythm and real sound of a hen turkey in just minutes. Use your index finger and push the peg! It’s that simple.
· Hand crafted from walnut
· One handed operation
· Just push the peg for great sounding yelps and clucks
· Sound like a pro in minutes
· Maintenance-free
Holding the Easy Button
· With preferred left or right hand hold the box in palm of hand with open face up and interior wood block to the top. Place index finger on pusher pin.
Making Hen Calls
· The Yelp – push pin down in a series with index finger using a counting rhythm of 1, 2, 3 pause 1, 2,3, 4 pause 1, 2, 3, 4. Speed up or slow down the rhythm for realistic hen yelps
· The Cluck – with a little pressure on the push pin slowly and softly depress push pin to make a cluck. Repeat and speed up to produce a series of clucks
· Purr of the Hen – with light pressure on the push pin, depress pin very slowly downwards making the purr sound
Holding the Peg
· Hold peg in the hand you write with approximately 1 inch from the bottom. Experiment with how you hold the peg as this will change the sound of the call. Hold peg with medium pressure and experiment as holding pressure will change the tone of the calls you make
Holding the Pot
· Hold pot in opposite hand of peg hand. Use finger tips to hold and use light to medium pressure when holding. Experiment with fingertip pressure as this can change the tone and volume of your calls. Do not cover bottom pot holes as this will distort or muffle the sound
Making Calls and Tip
· Tip, Peg angle, keep in mind the angle of the peg on the slate is crucial in making great sounding calls, practice to find the best angle for all the different calls
· Tip, changing tones, to change tones of calls practice calling on different areas of the slate surface. For example, if you call in the center of the slate you will get deeper or softer tones. As you move to the outer edge of the slate, you will get sharper higher pitch tones
· The Yelp – with pot and peg in hand place peg on slate and angle the pot slightly towards you so you can see the surface of the pot. With medium to light pressure and the peg angled back a little, make half-moon continuous strokes.
· The Cluck – again the angle of the peg is crucial, change the angle to get different sounds and tones. With peg and pot in hand place peg on pot with peg slightly straight up and with a little pressure on the slate move peg back to create a pop or cluck. Repeat this in a faster sequence to produce the cutting of an excited hen.
· Purr of the Hen – Pot and peg in hand place peg on slate with peg angled almost straight up. With very little downward pressure drag peg slowly across the slate. For softer purrs less pressure, for louder purrs more downward pressure with the peg. To make a fighting purr use same procedure but with a much faster sequence and more downward pressure to make the fighting purr excited and louder
· To keep The Cooker Pot & Peg making consistent calls, each must be sanded lightly with a fine sandpaper. We recommend sanding the slate in one direction with very light pressure. To condition your peg, lightly sand the tip, follow the rounded tip curve.