Category:Turkey Decoys
Relaxed Feeding Hen Turkey Decoy
Deadly Head & Feather Colors. Good for you, just plain bad for Ole’ Tom!
- Decoy includes 2-piece motion stake
- Inner body stake attaches and stays in decoy
- Heavy duty stake has foot step, just step on it to set up in the hardest dirt
- Use with motion stake to simulate Relaxed Feeding hen in your decoy spread
ANATOMY – Head and body anatomy attracts period! The closer he gets the better they look.
POSTURE – Relaxed hen posture adds realism and simulates movement to your decoy spread.
RUGGED – EVA material is tough and lightweight. Holds decoy posture shape year after year, no decoy dents!
COLOR – Realistic iridescent feather colors and feather detail ‘Ole Tom just can’t resist when he gets close.
PAINT – Heat treated, textured paint process resists scratches or flakes and holds up on those crazy run and gun hunts.
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